Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Game

1. Using some of the techniques discussed in this chapter, begin developing a concept foran original game idea. Discuss the central theme of your idea, and the methods you usedto bring your idea into existence.

Ok well the other day well about say 3 weeks ago I and my crew where going home via the train anyway the lights happened to cut out whilst we were in a tunnel and the cabin was in complete darkness well I added the comment “and the lights turn on and all the people where gone” which really spawned my game idea. Ok so my game idea first the story lets imagine that all the lights on the train go out and then when they turn back on all the people on the train have disappeared and the train has the look of a war scene between beast and man claw marks on the roof, floor and wall blood sprayed in all directions and I was thinking for adding some theme that would make these monsters distinct in nature but also increase the well scare factor and I thought wouldn’t it be weird if all the clothes of the victims were left behind, I thought that this was a good idea because it would show the multitudes of people that had gone missing as well as add an eeriness to all the levels and seeing a shopping mall filled with clothes that used to be people would kind of make me sit on edge so I figured it was a good tactic to well fake fear.

OK so this is extending on from the story after some thought and plot hole searching I’ve come up with my idea ok so let me start. Coming home from university or work you are catching the train talking to your friends having a laugh talking of the topic of the day the soon to occur solar eclipse of the earth from a fast passing meteor back your usual routine you move aside for the commuters of the train hoping you’ll be able to get off at your stop to catch your forwarding train. Just as you point to your friends the occurrence of the eclipse you head into a tunnel with a sigh of anguish of every commuter on board as you seem to miss the occurrence, heading thru the tunnel into central station you hear the operator announce the upcoming station and some gibberish about some quiet zone then a sharp cut off of the power and a silence for no more than a second light flickering back to life and the train rolling to a stop inside the underground station. Looking around you realise the commuters of the train station have all disappeared wondering what has happened you run for help forcing the doors of the carriage open until you reach the station still no one, suddenly the power cuts and you are left alone standing in the dark subway walking slowly to get out you come across one of the beasts standing on the subway seat you fall over climbing backwards as it inches towards with a low growl of the lungs, you in panic put your flash light to see what the monster is in an instant of the light touching its skin it ducks for cover hiding in the shadows with only its glowing eyes visible.

After the encounter you run out of the station to discover the carnage of the cars as they crashed together from an absent driver, then the game begins for you to find out what happened to everyone.

What I was thinking as far as story line goes is that the monsters are actually advanced aliens ... =) now bear with me yes its getting a little out there the planet they came from was of high carbon dioxide ozone allowing it to store heat and block out the sun as well as having a high psi so that’s a good reason for them to exfoliate the gas substance from their skin as they hide because of the lack of pressure. Now the comet as you don’t find out later is actually a cesspool of alien or foreign organisms that when contacted with from a larger organic being will piggy back on the organisms body eventually sending the occupant insane will cause massive rages and attacks on everything in sight so what the aliens where doing where following this cesspool around and when it came in contact with a occupied world they would kidnap the infected leaving the immune or seemingly immune behind and would cure them in their ship later returning them to the planet, unfortunately they did not warn you so for the entirety of the game you effectively kill the bad guys =).

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