Sunday, August 1, 2010

Question one

1. Imagine that you are a level designer working in the 1980s. Knowing the
limitations associated with this era, what type of game would you develop?

Ok so I have looked into some popular games and consoles of the time well of the 1980s and have seen a general trend amongst games that almost all games that where of any popularity during this time where in fact side scroll based games such as “Sonic” and “Mario” these two games also show a good indication for what type of consoles where the most popular of the time. The two most popular consoles of the 1980s where the “Nintendo Entertainment System” and the “Sega Mega Drive”, knowing what I know now with the development of Nintendo and the sum what diminishing influence of Sega, I would design a game for the “Nintendo Entertainment System, however during the time the Sega would of been the desired choice to develop for being that it possessed five more colours over the 56(useful colours) that the NES could generate on screen at one time so going on the basis that I am developing a game for the time period I would develop for the Sega mega drive.

Ok so I have chosen a side scrolling based game for the Sega mega drive, now I need to decide on a genre. Well for the genre I was thinking a blue echidna, chasing after golden worms that are curled up into a circle shape and I might call him Gonic... ok seriously I was looking into some of the different genres and came up with a list of the most frequently occurring and most popular,

• Adventure Game
• Puzzle
• Strategy
• Arcade shooter

The most common genre I came across was the side scroll based adventure game, now not to put another pea into the stew pot I was thinking on staying away from this genre although popular it is a risk of a flop as it would be another game on the shelf of hundreds so I was thinking a side scroll based game however a arcade shooter a fast game with minimal colours allowing for more special effects and flashes. Furthermore for my genre it would be a wise choice to base the game on historical events or current trends so as far as wars go there where two major conflicts during the 1980s these where the cold war and the Iraq war I’ve decided to base my game on the Iraq war as this has more influence over me in today’s age then the cold war and producing a cold war game that is unique would almost be impossible because of the volume of games.

Mike most side scroll based games I would put you in the position of an Iraqi soldier pitted against the “Enemy” outnumbered and out gunned with many aesthetically pleasing affects and explosions, the controls will be simple left, right, jump, crawl and shoot also with the possibility of a special attack or combo hit of some description.

In summary I would design a game suitable for the Sega mega drive. It would be side scroll based, arcade shooter game with a story line of the Iraq war.

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